The Centre Dürrenmatt Neuchâtel

Friedrich Dürrenmatt (1921–90), the world-renowned writer and playwright, was also an avid painter and illustrator his whole life. The Centre Dürrenmatt Neuchâtel (CDN) showcases his paintings as they relate to his literary works in a permanent exhibition. The museum also stages temporary exhibitions and events, and offers guided tours, workshops for schools, publications, a podcast and virtual tours. Designed by Mario Botta around Dürrenmatt’s former home, the CDN showcases parts of the writer and painter’s living space.

The CDN is close to the railway station in Neuchâtel, nestled in the heart of the green and leafy Vallon de l’Ermitage.


Centre Dürrenmatt Neuchâtel
Pertuis-du-Sault 74
2000 Neuchâtel
T +41 58 466 70 60
E E-Mail

Opening hours

Wednesday to Sunday 11:00 – 17:00 

F. Dürrenmatt's office: Saturday, 11 am-1.30 pm. and 2 pm-4.45 pm.

Permanent exhibition "Friedrich Dürrenmatt - writer and artist"

Teaser Dauerausstellung CDN

Permanent exhibition

The permanent exhibition is devoted to Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s rich and highly diversified art, and to how it relates to his literary output.

Exhibition "Friedrich Dürrenmatt – Animal worlds"


Friedrich Dürrenmatt – Animal worlds

Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Ugo Rondinone, Christine Sefolosha

From 1 June to 29 September 2024
The exhibition explores the relationship between humans and animals in Dürrenmatt's work, with Ugo Rondinone and Christine Sefolosha.

Living space

Sixtinische Kapelle

Dürrenmatt’s living space

Discover Dürrenmatt's Sistine Chapel, his library, impressive office and other places steeped in history at the CDN.

Virtual tours (

Visite virtuelle Rebelles

Virtual tours & multimédia

The CDN offers virtual tours to make Friedrich Dürrenmatt's work accessible to everyone around the world. The virtual tours allow you to explore the large permanent exhibition room, past temporary exhibitions and access to a media library.




CDN nominated for EMYA 2023

European Museum of the Year Awards

CDN en famille3

Le CDN en famille

Dimanche 28 juillet 2024 de 14h à 15h.
Visite guidée de l’exposition «Friedrich Dürrenmatt – Mondes animaux» et en parallèle, visite-atelier créatif pour les enfants. Entrée libre.

1er aout 2024

1. August Abend – Jazz auf der Terrasse

Donnerstag, 1. August 2024 ab 18 Uhr

Führung, Konzert des Jazz-Kollektivs ARBRE, Blick auf das Feuerwerk, Verpflegungsmöglichkeit. Eintritt frei.
