«Martial Leiter – Guerres»

from September 25th, 2009, to January 10th, 2010 extended until January 31st, 2010

portée, © Martial Leiter
portée, © Martial Leiter

From 25 September 2009 to 10 January 2010, the Centre's series on caricature continues anew with the exhibition "Martial Leiter - Guerres" [Wars], devoted to the Swiss painter and cartoonist Martial Leiter (*1952).

A keen observer of society, Martial Leiter has concentrated on the subject of war for years. He sheds a caustic gaze tinged with black humour on the many the absurdities, contradictions and devastation inherent in all wars - be they political, economic or ideological.

A joint project between the Centre Dürrenmatt and Neuchâtel's Museum of Art and History (MAHN), Martial Leiter's caricatures and drawings will go on display at the Centre, while his paintings and sketches are to be shown at the MAHN. Galerie Humus of Lausanne is bringing out a publication upon the occasion of these two exhibitions.

Une entrée achetée au Centre Dürrenmatt donne également accès à l'exposition au Musée d'art et d'histoire.
