Exhibitions 2021


Travelling exhibition "Helvetisms - Language Specialities"

From the end of 2019 to the end of 2023, the travelling exhibition "Helvetisms – Language Specialities" will be shown in various institutions throughout Switzerland.
Maurice Mboa

Maurice Mboa : Illustrations of the text by Friedrich Dürrenmatt

17th July – 12th December 2021

"The viral epidemic in South Africa" (1989)
A production of the Université populaire africaine in Geneva, UPAF
Friedrich Dürrenmatt et le monde

Friedrich Dürrenmatt and the World

17th July – 12th December 2021

The temporary exhibition follows Dürrenmatt's travels around the globe. Between deep roots in Switzerland and international circulation, the writer and painter's inner and outer worlds are bound together.
Friedrich Dürrenmatt et la Suisse – Fictions et métaphores

Friedrich Dürrenmatt and Switzerland – Fictions and metaphors

March 3rd - July 4th 2021

This exhibition will reveal how Friedrich Dürrenmatt viewed, wrote about and drew Switzerland in the second half of the 20th century.